Frequently Asked Questions

/ My WU®

My WU®

What is the My WU℠ loyalty program?

My WU is a free loyalty program from Western Union. You can register on or our mobile app.

What are the benefits of My WU℠ loyalty program?
  • Transfer fee discounts on qualifying money transfers.
  • Special promotions on money transfers.

Learn more about My WU program.

How can I earn My WU℠ points?

Earning reward points is currently disabled in the program. If you are a My WU member, we will notify you about our new rewards program.

How do I redeem My WU℠ points?

On our website and app:

  1. Log in to your Western Union profile.
  2. Go to Menu and select My WU.
  3. Select Redeem points.
  4. Select Yes in the popup.
  5. Select Use reward.

The discount will be automatically applied to your next transfer fee.

Via the My WU portal:

  1. Log in to your profile and go to My WU Rewards.
  2. Go to the Rewards section to view your reward options.
  3. Choose your reward and select Use reward.

The discount will be applied automatically to your next transfer fee.

You can use your My WU points till they expire as per My WU terms and conditions.

Why can I not earn points in the My WU℠ loyalty program anymore?

Earning reward points is currently disabled in the program. If you are a My WU member, we will notify you about our new rewards program. 

Can I still redeem My WU℠ points?

Yes, you can continue to redeem your My WU points until their expiry.

Can’t find what you are looking for?

If you need to get in touch with Western Union, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Care